
Tag: vitamins


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Can Changing The Way You Brush Your Teeth Rid You Of Chronic Disease?

When you brush your teeth, are you spitting red?


About 90% of the population admits to it. 

Bleeding gums, as we know, is generally a sign that your gums are inflamed. And if there’s anything we know about inflammation, it’s that it’s bad news when any body part is inflamed. It’s a symptom of infection. It means something isn’t right.

If you’re like most of the population, your understanding of what goes on in your mouth is limited. Basically, you notice when something out of the ordinary happens. But…

Lasting Change You Can Actually Affect in Six Weeks

New Year’s resolutions have an expiration date.

And it’s about six weeks into the new year…

January 12, to be exact, according to Strava, the social network for athletes. Strava conducted a study, analyzing 31.5 million people’s online activities, to find the average date people decide their resolution experiment has failed.

The Mission: Promoting a Diverse Gut Profile in Kids

One of the toughest parts about raising kids is learning how to interpret their natural forms of speech and discourse before they find the words to express themselves that adults understand.

“I’m tired” can mean a million things – from “I’m sleepy because I had nightmares last night” to “Someone hurt my feelings and I’d like to stop playing this game.”

“I don’t want to” might mean just that, but what if it means “I’m afraid I’ll look silly” or “I don’t feel safe here”?

The Sleeper Tissue Affecting your Full-Body Health…

Socially, having a dirty mouth might make you the life-of-the-party.

In actuality, having a dirty mouth might lead to an avalanche of other health problems, crashing down on you out of nowhere.

And we’re not talking about cavities.

We know that our bodies are full of bacteria. In fact, in a fully grown adult, the trillions of microorganisms in the body can weigh between 2 and 6 pounds. And although we wash our hands with antibacterial soap or get prescribed antibiotics, much of the bacteria in the body is actually helpful and necessary.

Dr. Pedram Shojai

NY Times Best Selling author and film maker. Taoist Abbot and Qigong master. Husband and dad. I’m here to help you find your way and be healthy and happy. I don’t want to be your guru…just someone who’ll help point the way. If you’re looking for a real person who’s done the work, I’m your guy. I can light the path and walk along it with you but can’t walk for you.